
The heating system is a sealed system under pressure similar to that of a domestic system. This means that you have a series of radiators positioned around your habitation area. This system uses a antifreeze solution (Glycol) that prevents internal damage to the system.
If you are lucky enough to have the Alde Heating and Hot Water system installed in your caravan there a few points that you need to be aware of.

This means that after that time you are advised by Alde to have that solution changed and failure to do so can void any remaining warranty on the Alde system.

On older systems that have not had the solution changed the system can become inefficient with it not reaching temperature, component failure or cold spots.

We provide a service to change this solution for a newer option giving protection for a further 5 years. This ensures efficient running of the Alde heating system and protects any warranty remaining.

 When manufactured, most of the systems fitted have a glycol solution that only offers protection for the system for two years.